A V Seer
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A V Seer
My life forever infected with hatred, loathing and scorn From the paedophile who sucked from me the life not long after I was born. The predators in this world, make themselves invisible - seen by only young eyes As they rape and tear away the soul and inncocence they compromise The chains that shackle my body to anger and rage and scorn Have burdened me with darkness not long after I was born.
Get Researching - never stop learning
A V Seer
My life forever infected with hatred, loathing and scorn From the paedophile who sucked from me the life not long after I was born. The predators in this world, make themselves invisible - seen by only young eyes As they rape and tear away the soul and inncocence they compromise The chains that shackle my body to anger and rage and scorn Have burdened me with darkness not long after I was born.