Very good sayings in life are the least listened to.If you don’t want an abortion, don’t have one.If you don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry someone of your own sex.If you don’t want assistance to die with dignity, die in agony, itis your choice.Assisted death or actually better death opponents claim that insome way disabled people will be dragged into this because weall secretly want to off people less able than ourselves.I must have missed that part of the bill that was heard in thehouses of parliament, and passed for more debate, not less.Famous people who have a platform are front and centreon trying to deny my right to die if I have a terminal conditionthat is causing me agonising and excrutiating pain.NO! Not all pain can be ‘managed’ some things are beyondour drugs. I admire every single doctor and nurse thathas the vocational compassion for care, it is importantthat the Hypocratic oath exists, however, to me, the lifeof a human being is no more important than that ofany other living thing on this planet. All life has aright to exist, yet we are happy to kill perfectly healthyanimals to eat them. Cull animals we dislike, like ratsor seagulls, for instance. Destroy ant nests because we don’t like them in the house.We are the very worst of this planet, we have destroyedit, and we have put ourselves above everything else andto me, that’s wrong.Assisted dying, or a pain free death should be a right for all.Like I said, if you don’t want it, don’t do it.
We look for the truth. It is always so close, yet so far. Politics is the business of lies, deception and misdirection, but there is nothing magical about it. The things they don’t want you to know vs the parroting of propaganda. If something is important, look out for the continued echoes of the precise same message. If something is hidden, it is hidden - journalists know more than they tell you. The news cycle is a race for the exclusive thus it fails to truly tell us the real ‘news’ but rather goes for that banner headline, with just about anything being‘breaking news’ I have long felt that our system is so wrong. We’re fed a diet all our lives about working hard and driving forwards, and whilst much of this is its own reward a sense of achieving a pay cheque, a sense of worth for contributing, what is it we contribute to? It isn’t us, most of our taxation is utterly squandered on the vanity projects, the overseas aid, which whilst absolutely compelling is a drain on resources for this country. Should we just become a what’s that term, ‘third world country’ to atone for the sins of our great-great-great-great-great-Grandfathers? Outrage is what anyone should feel about vile abuses of power. Vile acts, vile theft and stealing. We must remember much to ensure we don’t repeat it. But we don’t and we do. We allow genocides in Africa, Asia, Europe, and even the America’s the pithy statements and disingenuous outrage of our leaders the world over is sadly bordering on theatre. Another monster raises his or her head, and we say those words proclaiming how evil they are whilst sitting by and watching it all unfold, again and again ad-infinitum. The problem with a conspiracy theory is, it is amped up beyond the crime or the conspiracy for effect and misdirection. Trump echoing Roy Cohn’s method of ‘it’s a conspiracy against me by the liberals’ who are liberals? According to Oxford Dictionary a liberal is willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy and free enterprise. These do not sound like people that would railroad anyone. They sound like people who tolerate, encourage and promote your rights to say whatever the hell you like, and within reason do whatever you like that doesn’t breach the rights of your fellow citizens. We have a duty to be honest, to be fair, to be accepting. I am possibly none of those things deep down, but I am trying. How about you?